Education, Gardening, How to

How We Cross Breed Our Tomatoes

After the Tomato Video: Sunny Gürl, we got several comments on how we crossed breed our tomato plant. This is a “how to” video on how to cross breed tomatoes.

We crossed a Brandywine Studdeth Tomato with a Black Krim Tomato. By doing so we hope to increase the size of the Black Krim from a 12 oz – 15 oz size to a 2 pound tomato. We named this new F1 Hybrid Black Wine. But we are asking for your help with our new name, leave a comment below and the best name will receive seeds from this cross. The tomato name contest ends August 15, 2014

When breeding plants you don’t know what you are going to get on the other side of a cross and that is the appealing part.The game is to wait and see.

Here is some more information that I found about Cross Breeding Plants:

You can also find a video on YouTube from Gardening In Norway as well:

Check out Alderman Farms here:

Bush Early Girl and Sunny Goliath - Cross Breeding Tomatoes

Education, Gardening, Seeds

Tomato Breeding: Sunny Gürl

Our 1st tomato cross breed and we wanted to landmark the date and time on YouTube of our first Tomato Crossing. We crossed a Bush Early Girl with a Sunny Goliath. The fruit did fall off early due to a wind storm but we saved the seeds and hope that a new cross Tomato plant will come up soon and start our F1 generation.

We fermented the seeds for 3 days in water to remove the gel sacs.

Bush Early Girl and Sunny Goliath